Friday, October 31, 2008

Holla Chico´s & Chica´s.

I wasn´t going to write for a few more days but I am tryng to download my pictures from Colonia and it appears to be taking a long time since i took 298 so hey, what the hell a few more words from a very sunny Buensos Aires wont hurt.

I regret to say that my tango lessons never happened on Wednesday despite my enthusiasm for the cause, I ended up instead cooking an absolutely huge meal which took longer than i was expexting and ages to eat so not only would we have been late, but all involved were of the persuation that sitting (eventually escalated to walking) was all we could manage.

Another change to my plans are that I will now be taking my spanish lessons in Montevideo starting on Monday. I am travelling on a bus over night from Buenos Aires with Josh and Michelle (team canadia). They´re going to the same school but they can actually speak spanish, they´ve just showing off now by taking an advanced class. After this we will all split to go our own ways. I will be going back to Buenos Aires so that I can take another week of lessons.

Some of you reading this may never have stayed in a hostel and might be thinking what it would be like... well here is a little insight to the hostel i´am staying in at the moment.

Showers - now traditionally you would be forgiven for imagining them to be dirty, cold and not a lot of fun. Well i´m pleased to say that my experiences here have been really positive. the showers are clean instead of a shortage of hot water there is an abundence of it, in fact i´d go as far as to say that there is a shortage of cold water given that i can happily spend a good part of my morning re hydrating under a hot, high pressured, cleansing & comforting stream but as soon as someone turns a cold tap in the building they turn into a scolding parade of steam of lava.

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